Hi All!!!
For those of you following OBEY today, thank you for sticking with me!
Up until now, I have kept a low profile that I have begun full time dev on OBEY again. But now that you all know, I will say that it is with the intention to wrap up OBEY and finally put out version 1! For me personally, this is a big deal: I have had this project going on in some form in my life since 2002!
This latest release involves fixes and improvements to the score tracking system so that it’s very easy to track scores if you want to run a tournament, or see scores of past rounds.
Also, I added a finalized screen to honor the winners of the round!

Here is the official change list:
v .45r0
* added “round has ended” screen with winners of end of round scoreboard.
* added server now saves/loads past game scores into a text file latestRoundRecords.json
* added “shutDownAfterNumHours” server setting which allows auto refreshing of servers
* added “minutesToExpireScoreRecord” server setting to allow the expiry of the above record
* improved the /list command now gives you the current map name as well
* improved Linux server launch script now restarts the server if it shuts down
* improved Linux dedicated server launch script now restarts the server if it shuts down
* improved Windows server launch script now restarts the server if it shuts down
* fixed watchtower bottom which could be seen as a hole on some maps
* fixed ProFlares spamming output log with cull logs
* updates to translations
* cut ‘tagging’ player feature
Onward! To Development!!